The Vindima
(Harvest / harvesting of the grapes. In a broader sense the harvest encompasses the period from the harvest of grapes and start the production of wine)
The harvest marks the frantic and golden season of the year which harvest the grapes in the Douro.
This is a lively and stressful period: the joyful ripening of the grapes and stressful because they must be harvested at the right time to produce the best wines.
The harvest season is a fine time to visit the Douro, the vines are laden with bunches of grapes tasty and leaves full of color, if realizes the emotion in the air and festive events are organized by all parties to empty the old kites and celebrate the harvest.
To alleviate the violence of this work almost inhuman, contratavam up year after year "rogas," ranchos of men and women who animavam with their songs of the faina making.
Vine poziva one for each owner. The women brought a basket on her head with his clothes and merenda and basket to cut the grapes in the arm. The men brought a trouxa and a sachinho to hold the basket vindimo. When the house came from bosses were a large circle and began to sing and to live the boss, the feitor and rogador. In the end, the boss gave to drink the entire staff. With the men walked a group of musicians who tocavam harmonic, and ferrinhos bombo to brighten the harvest, they always accompanied the men who took the baskets. Among men had one that had a whistle with which orientava the step of the same, because going in a row and with the right step. The grapes were cut to the rhythm of the voices vindimeiras. When they would cut the first mill (step grapes) the music stopped monitor the men to accompany those pisavam grapes. In the beginning, the men, side by side and embraced led by one, cut the mill at the same compass. After the mill cut, sing themselves to "freedom".
Once you sing the song, men dispersing to trample the wine. The people of the village were going all see the mills cut. At the end of the harvest entregavam the branch to employers. This could have various forms, and the more usual, which is presented with two cane at cross purposes with the paper or silk, flowers and two bunches of grapes (one white and one black). It was the girl more "jeitosa" that would deliver. The boss gave money to divide by all, then sing up and drank wine is generous. During this faina the air transbordava of joy and songs.
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